As summer damages your skin, it can harm your hair also. The hair that looks shiny and smooth before, in summer looks like fried.
There can be many reason of dull hair in summer such as sun’s UV rays, chlorine or salt present in water (In summer people usually perform swimming during summer and chlorine present in water pulls natural oil from oil and dried up scalp and hair).
In this article we will discuss some tips how to take care of smoothness and natural shine of hair during this summer.
1. Don’t do Over-wash
In summer people often wash their hair daily as sweat sticks to hair. This removes natural oil from scalp. Two or three times wash in a week is good for healthy hair.
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2. Use Moisturize Shampoo and Conditioner
Are you dealing with sweat in summer and doing shampoo and moisturizer daily to get rid from sweat? This removes oil from hair and makes scalp dry.
One solution is use shampoo and conditioner containing moisturizer. Try to buy products having ingredients i.e. shea butter.
3. Dry Hair Gently
Wet hair are weal and are more vulnerable to damage. So rub your hair gently to avoid excessive damage. Simply pat your scalp with fingers tip to avoid stress on scalp.
4. Use Egg as Conditioner
Egg contain proteins and sulphur that hair wants secretly. Harness the goodness of egg by conditioning your hair with egg yolk after a gentle wash.
5. Use less Hair Products
Don’t use hair gel, wax, hair cream and hair spray as they make hair heavy and unnatural. Try to less products when you want to style your hair.
6. Shield Hair from Salt and Chlorine
In summer people usually perform swimming during summer and chlorine present in water or salt in sea pulls natural oil from oil and dries up scalp and hair.
7. Don’t Use Heat Tools
This is the important tip to follow for healthier hair. Try to avoid hair dryers to dry your hair. Let them dry naturally. This can be time consuming but prevent your hair from becoming freezy. If you are using too much hair dryer, use them once in a week and at low heat.
8. Trim your Hair
In summer hair grows fast and trim your hair once in 6-8 weeks. This will remove damage hair or split ends also.
9. Don’t Comb in Wet Hair
Avoid comb in wet hair. Instead of comb use your finger and wide teethed comb.
10. Avoid Chemicals on Hair
Always try to avoid use of chemicals on hair. Stay away from coloring, straightening etc. as repeatedly use of chemical can damage your hair despite repair.
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11. Use Lukewarm Water
Avoid rinse your hair in cold water, as it blocks the blood capillaries in scalp. Blood capillaries take essential nutrients and this restriction is not healthy for hair.
But this doesn’t mean use hot water. Hot water pulls out natural oil from scalp. ideally wash your hair with lukewarm water.
12. Be Healthy
Health of hair reflects by your healthy lifestyle. Take healthy diet, do regular exercise or workout, take enough sleep and stay positive are some aspects that are vital to remain healthy.