Whether it’s a newly built home or an old home under remodeling there are major reasons you should consider having your attic insulated. Insulating attic reduces the transfer of heat between the attic and the living quarters of your house.
Below are reasons to have your attic insulated. With an insulated attic your utility bills will be lowered. Majority of homes use a very high percentage of energy in heating and cooling their homes.
If your house is not insulated or under insulated , during winter warm air in the room rises and passes in to the attic through the ceiling through conduction, radiation or simply air leaks.
The results is the increase of your heating cost due to running longer of your furnace to compensate for the lost heat.
The cost of cooling increases during summer will increase as your A/C runs longer on cycles due to radiation of heat to your house from the attic. With an air tight attic you can lower your energy use and therefore save money.
Your insulated attic will result in having a safer structure of your home. Flaking of paint on walls due to eroding can be prevented by attic insulation which prevents seeping through of water vapor.
Shingles of your roof can swell and crack due to heat buildup in your attic. Mold thrive in cool areas that are provided when insulation lacks.
Gradual damage of your home is prevented with an insulated attic. Insulating your home will result in better comfort.
Even with modern heating and cooling systems temperature fluctuations are a major problems with under insulated homes.
House temperatures change too quickly when temperatures outside changes. Other than this there will be temperature difference between the floors of your house due to lack of insulation. An insulated attic means better comfort.
Dust particles, dirt, smoke and other harmful airborne materials can enter your house through air leaks. This harmful materials accumulate in your attic.
This harmful materials can spread through your house if its not properly insulated and therefore air in doors becomes of low quality.
Attic insulation means you can breathe clean in door environment air. Your attic is more than storage space with insulation. An extra room results from proper insulation of your attic.
Attic insulation can help you maintain a sustainable living. You should be concerned with your carbon footprint and work on ways to minimize it.
You can reduce your energy consumption by installing an attic and play your part in creating a sustainable environment. Consider all these major benefits and have your attic insulated.